Senior Rehabilitation

What types of rehabilitation therapy does Riddle Village offer?

During senior rehab at Riddle Village, you may take part in physical therapy, occupational therapy, or speech therapy, depending on your needs. Licensed physical therapists and other professionals work with you or your family member to address recovery needs related to post-operative care, post-stroke care, and other situations. Riddle Village takes a tailored approach to [...]

2024-12-27T12:26:59-05:00December 27th, 2024||

What is senior rehabilitation?

Rehabilitation for seniors is a level of care that may be appropriate following an injury, serious illness, or medical procedure. It helps ensure safety and comfort as an older adult recovers. Riddle Village offers inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation programs depending on your needs. During senior rehab at Riddle Village, you may take part in physical [...]

2024-12-27T12:27:25-05:00December 27th, 2024|, |

What are some common reasons rehabilitation may be needed?

Senior rehabilitation programs may be needed to support recovery after a serious illness, injury, or surgical procedure. While many other situations may require rehabilitation therapy, here are some common reasons people seek out our rehab program: Falls or serious injuries Joint replacements Suffering a stroke Support after a serious illness Medical support after surgery

2024-12-27T12:28:06-05:00December 27th, 2024||

What services do you offer to those who are not Riddle Village Life Care Residents?

Riddle Village Lifecare residents have priority access to our Personal Care apartments and Skilled Nursing/Rehabilitation accommodations. However, we often have availability and welcome non-residents to experience our high-quality Personal Care and Skilled Nursing services for both short-term and long-term rehabilitation and respite care. Please call our marketing department for more information 610-891-3700.

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