Does Riddle Village offer any services to assist with my move?
Yes! Click here to learn more about our exciting partnership with LivNow. Our goal is to assist in making your transition to Riddle Village as smooth as possible and LivNow can help!
Yes! Click here to learn more about our exciting partnership with LivNow. Our goal is to assist in making your transition to Riddle Village as smooth as possible and LivNow can help!
Riddle Village has a transportation team and assortment of vehicles to meet your transportation needs. They provide transport to and from doctor appointments, grocery stores, mall shopping, planned trips, as well as, to and from the train station or airport. Costs depend on the distance traveled. Regularly scheduled trips to the grocery stores, shopping [...]
Riddle Village offers a Flex Dollar Dining Plan. All residents receive a set amount of money to be used for meals each month. The Flex Dollar amount given is based on having dinner in our most expensive dining venue multiplied by the days in the month. The Flex Dollars can be used in any dining [...]