In these challenging and unique times, it is important to focus on ways to take care of your mental health. Not only is mental health important for your overall mood and quality of life, but it also goes hand in hand with physical health. While the upcoming year is sure to bring with it more times of uncertainty, one of the best ways to prepare is by knowing what you can do to help yourself not feel overwhelmed.
Manage Anxiety
Anxiety is the most common mental disorder in America. With plenty of change and fear ingrained in our daily lives during a pandemic, it is no wonder many are beginning to experience anxiety for the first time or more often than they typically do. Anxiety is a treatable disorder and is something you should speak to your doctor about. Talking about it with a medical professional can help you pinpoint what causes your anxiety and how best to cope with it. You can also ask about breathing techniques, physical activity, and dietary changes that can help you manage your anxiety and stress.
Remember to treat yourself every once in a while! Taking care of your mind and body is something that should be part of your daily schedule, but self-care is more of a special occasion to relax and give yourself the attention you deserve. Facial masks, pedicures, and massages are common ways to physically take care of your body. Reading a book, lighting a soothing candle, or watching your favorite movie are fun ways to give your mind a break.
Set and Achieve Goals
Having something to work toward can be a nice distraction and a motivator. Not only does it feel good to accomplish something, but you can also reward yourself for achieving what you set out do to. Healthy goals could be walking a certain distance, cutting back on online shopping, or finishing a home project. To stay on track, log your progress in a journal, set measurable goals, and commit to a daily schedule. When you reach your goal, it will feel good to enjoy the reward that you earned. Whether it is a sweet dessert or one of the self-care tips we mentioned before, you deserve to enjoy it!
Stay Connected
You don’t have to face it alone! While in-person socializing is not recommended, there are many ways to keep in touch in a safe way. Virtual hangouts, daily phone calls, and keeping a pen pal are great ways to feel connected to loved ones. In 2020, some virtual trends included game nights, family meals, and club meetings. Checking in every day with someone is an important way to avoid feelings of isolation. Reaching out to see how someone is doing will improve your mood and theirs!