One of the things that make Riddle Village such a special place to call home is how involved our residents are in the retirement community. There are six official resident committees that are involved with nearly every area of Riddle Village. The committees are dining, activities, wellness, library, environmental, and finance. All these committees work as a team within the Resident Council to share information and to ensure our residents are kept up to date on all matters affecting Riddle Village. To best summarize the role of the Resident Council, we spoke to Barbara Rizzo, the President of the Association and the Council.
“The Council is the vehicle that can either answer residents’ questions or get them the answers or help they need,” Barbara said. “Floor Representatives have the closest connection with residents, but there are Committee Chairpersons and Executive Officers who also strive to make Riddle Village an outstanding place to live.”
The Resident Council is designed so that it brings our residents, staff, and management together in a way that benefits all of Riddle Village. Each committee chair chooses residents to be on the committee, and each committee has a management staff member that comes to the meetings. This direct communication helps to ensure every voice is heard in our retirement community. Residents can approach any committee member with questions, concerns, or praise. Residents can also ask their floor representative at the frequent floor meetings to speak for them at the council meeting. While all residents are welcome to attend council meetings, floor representatives also hold meetings afterward to summarize the topics that were discussed in case anyone was unable to attend or would like to discuss something in more detail.
Resident Council meetings are held once a month all year long. This past year, residents and management were able to host the meetings virtually, so not one meeting was missed. At the meetings, the same agenda is always adhered to. After paying respect to residents who have passed and welcoming new residents who recently moved into the community, the President of the Resident Council makes opening comments, the treasurer’s report is read, and a roll call of the floor representatives is taken. After the committees present their reports, other activity includes new business to discuss and comments and questions from floor representatives.
The responsibilities of the Council are not just contained to these organized meetings. Every member has duties to make sure our residents are happy at Riddle Village. For example, Barbara Rizzo greets new residents when they move in, talks to all residents, answers questions, and attempt to resolve problems. These tasks are what Barbara looks forward to the most as President.
“My favorite thing is the interaction with the council members and the residents,” Barbara said. “As President, I feel that I work for the residents.”
The communication and teamwork between residents and management at Riddle Village is part of what makes it such an amazing home to so many. With plenty of involvement and opportunities for every resident, we ensure that our retirement community continues to offer the best services and remains a strong organization.