Outdoor Exercise at Riddle Village

Riddle Village Residents benefit from many different ways to work on fitness throughout the community. With full access to the state-of-the-art fitness center, indoor heated pool, and daily exercise classes offered, getting a workout in is easy and fun. With the summer coming to an end and a very welcome break in the temperatures, [...]

2022-09-06T00:57:40-04:00September 6th, 2022|Tips|

How to Adopt Retired Service Dogs for Seniors

Service dogs undergo rigorous training to ensure they have the right temperament and skills to help people with disabilities. According to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), a service dog must be trained to take a specific action rather than provide general support. For example, some service dogs are trained to detect seizures or [...]

2022-08-23T16:41:24-04:00August 17th, 2022|Tips|

Meet Your New Resident Council

This past April, new members were inducted into the Riddle Village Resident Council. Each member of the Resident Council has lived at Riddle Village for several years, but we wanted to take the time to introduce them as they step into their new roles. Continue reading to learn more about these residents and what [...]

2022-07-14T22:23:51-04:00July 14th, 2022|Tips|

Staycations: What is the New Trend and How Can Retirees Get the Most Out of it?

The world looks a lot different today than it did just a few years ago. From socializing to working, Covid-19 changed the way we approach our daily lives, including the way we take time for ourselves and relax. With travel restrictions and everyone wanting to avoid the spread of any illness, the newest trend [...]

2022-06-23T01:20:40-04:00June 23rd, 2022|Tips|

What are our residents looking forward to the most this spring?

Spring has officially sprung, and summer is just around the corner! With the temperatures warming up, we are all looking forward to getting outside, having fun with friends and family, and maybe even traveling. We asked some of our residents what they are excited about now that winter is over. Read below to find [...]

2022-05-20T20:48:06-04:00May 20th, 2022|Tips|
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